The Kids

When my daughter turned three, I saw her gravitate toward Magna-Tiles and Legos, and wow, can she build! Her creations were both creative and logical—a perfect blend of math and art. She also loves cooking in her play kitchen, and so does my son in our real kitchen. At six, he makes the best chocolate chip pancakes on Saturday mornings. I love this stage when they simply like what they like and do what they like without identifying play with gender.

My wish for them is to continue feeling this way as they grow up. I want them to grow up in a world where they feel valued, represented, and surrounded by a diverse community.

The Toys

That is our hope for every child here at Presently Goods. We offer a curated collection of toys that celebrate diversity and promote inclusion. We seek out toys and activities that represent a variety of cultures, ethnicities, abilities, and backgrounds, allowing children to learn about and appreciate the world around them.

The Grownups

And let's not forget about the grown-ups! The amazing parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, family members, and friends looking for meaningful and inclusive gifts for their children. We want to support you! For parents, we offer toys that are easy to clean, store, and travel with. For all the grown-ups, we provide customized gift wrapping and personalized notes to make each gift extra special. Send us the birthdays of the children in your life, and we’ll send you reminders and gift recommendations so that you never miss a special occasion again.

The Community

We also care deeply about the world we live in. In line with our commitment to social impact and sustainability, we source our products from small businesses that share our values. We use recycled gift wrap and packing materials, ensuring each shipment is environmentally friendly.

At Presently Goods, we aim to create a more inclusive and equitable world, one toy at a time.

Thank you for being part of this journey with us.